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Comentarios (2)

Lolita - 10 Mayo 08:29

EFFECTIVE PUBLICITY-MORE CALLS We offer your ads with frequent cover changes and optimized texts so you can receive more calls and more customers. Our

Turnes - 3 Diciembre 20:31

Escoge un buen compañero de vuelo, como El halcón maltés o En el camino o algunos episodios de la serie Looking, y empieza a adentrarte en la ciudad antes de aterrizar. Una vez en San Francisco no te van a faltar las opciones.

Huth - 13 Septiembre 22:09

Ugly body on that ugly old bitch! Seen a few of her lame clips, her face is old and tore up, small funky tits, big beer belly, bitch IS gross and her cameraman IS a retard who has NO clue what he's fucking doing!!

Ronni - 6 Febrero 22:21

Somebody is being satisfied.

Sidell - 27 Junio 05:43

I don't think NiteManhattan is saying queer-phobia doesn't exist or the communities aren't necessary. I think he's pointing out the dilemma of seeking acceptance while simultaneously embracing distinctiveness. It's important to embrace and reclaim the thing people seek to persecute you for. But it can be problematic as well. I know it's not the same, but it reminds me of the struggle to embrace blackness while trying to avoid being defined by race. Necessary, but problematic nonetheless.

Yajaira - 23 Mayo 16:00

How the actual fuck. can anyone orgasm by squeezing there theighs.

Linwood - 9 Marzo 08:26


Bianka. Edad: 21
Asiaticas. Edad: 29
Liz. Edad: 18